All pairs shortest paths using Dijkstra's algorithm taking into account contextual constraints. Enforcement of constraints is the task of the given user-defined function.

all_pairs_shortest_paths_ctx(g, decision_fct)



A nctx graph


The function enforcing constraints. The signature of the function is (int, int, int) -> bool, i.e. the function expects three vertex IDs for the start, the current, and the next vertex. It must evaluate to bool.


A matrix describing the shortest path distances between all pairs of nodes


This is basically a wrapper for shortest_path_ctx - see corresponding documentation for more details and the description of decision_fct

See also


library(RUnit) suppressMessages(library(igraph)) suppressMessages(library(nctx)) file <- system.file("extdata", "bcde.directed.graphml", package="nctx") g_i <- read_graph(file, "graphml") dists <- distances(g_i,mode="out",weights=NA) g <- copy_from_igraph(g_i) checker <- function(start, cur, nxt){ TRUE } dists_unaltered <- nctx::all_pairs_shortest_paths_ctx(g, checker) checkEquals(as.numeric(dists_unaltered), as.numeric(dists))
#> [1] TRUE