Find a shortest path from start to target using Dijkstra's algorithm taking into account contextual constraints. Enforcement of constraints is the task of the given user-defined function.

find_path_ctx(g, start, target, decision_fct)



A nctx graph


The start vertex


The target vertex


The function enforcing constraints. The signature of the function is (int, int, int) -> bool, i.e. the function expects three vertex IDs for the start, the current, and the next vertex. It must evaluate to bool. Passing the start vertex is of course unnecessary here. However, the signature is the same as for the other functions for usability reasons.


A description of a path if there is one or NA if there is none.


This is basically a wrapper for shortest_path_ctx - see corresponding documentation for more details and the description of decision_fct

See also


library(RUnit) suppressMessages(library(igraph)) suppressMessages(library(nctx)) checker <- function(start, cur, nxt){ TRUE } file <- system.file("extdata", "bcde.directed.graphml", package="nctx") g_i <- read_graph(file, "graphml") g <- copy_from_igraph(g_i) dists_unaltered <- find_path_ctx(g,1,5,checker) checkEquals(dists_unaltered, c(1,2,3,5))
#> [1] TRUE
dists_unaltered <- find_path_ctx(g,7,9,checker) checkEquals(dists_unaltered, c(7,4,5,9))
#> [1] TRUE
dists_unaltered <- find_path_ctx(g,1,8,checker) checkEquals(dists_unaltered, as.numeric(NA))
#> [1] TRUE
g_i <- load_graph(file, TRUE) dists_unaltered <- find_path_ctx(g,1,5,checker) checkEquals(dists_unaltered, c(1,2,3,5))
#> [1] TRUE
dists_unaltered <- find_path_ctx(g,7,9,checker) checkEquals(dists_unaltered, c(7,4,5,9))
#> [1] TRUE
dists_unaltered <- find_path_ctx(g,1,8,checker) checkEquals(dists_unaltered, as.numeric(NA))
#> [1] TRUE