nctx - Networks in ConTeXt ========================== The package `nctx` provides functionality to analyze attributed networks. Unique feature of this package is the ability to enforce contextual constraints via user-defined functions during shortest path discovery and centrality calculation. For a basic example, :ref:`see here `. The source code is accessible `on github `__. .. contents:: Installation ============ Usually, Python packages can be installed using the `pip` package manager downloading a package from a repository as part of the installation process. Since `nctx` is a C++ library wrapped for Python, the package can't be distributed via a repository as it needs to be compiled on your computer. The `pip` package manager does not provide this functionality. Therefore, you first need to compile the package and install it using `pip` afterwards. Compiling the `nctx` package for Python3 requires an installation of: * a C++17 compiler (`GCC `__) version 7 and above) * `Boost `__ (min. v. 1.65.0) * `CMake `__ * `scikit-build `__ Under Ubuntu, these requirements can be installed using .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install libboost1.71-dev cmake build-essential pip3 install scikit-build Note that this simply installs all available Boost libraries. Strictly required are `libboost-graph-dev` and `libboost-python-dev`. Then, in the root of the source directory, call .. code-block:: bash python3 bdist_wheel to produce a `whl`-file (a Python-wheel). This `whl`-file is found under the `dist/`-subfolder and can then be installed with .. code-block:: bash pip3 install dist/nctx-*.whl Citation ======== If you use the `nctx` package, please cite `the corresponding tech report `_: Mirco Schoenfeld. nctx - Networks in ConTeXt. University of Bayreuth, 2021. You might use the following BibTeX entry: | @techreport{2021-schoenfeld-nctx, | month = {June}, | institution = {University of Bayreuth}, | address = {Bayreuth, Germany}, | author = {Mirco Schoenfeld}, | title = {nctx - Networks in ConTeXt}, | year = {2021}, | keywords = {network analysis, attributed networks, context-awareness, library, python, R, C++}, | url = {} | } Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` Further Reading =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 example core undirected directed todo